Monday, June 8, 2009

Honey Supers

Yesterday, we decided to add our honey supers to our hives. We actually were going to do it earlier in the week, but when we had the robbing problem, decided to wait until things calmed down.

Well, things have calmed down and are back to what seems like normal to me. We added the supers, and did a very fast check of a few frames in each hive. We were very happy to see some honey in some of the outer frames in the top brood box. Here is a photo of one frame:

You can see the honey in the cells. Along the top, where it is white, is where the bees have capped some of the honey. This frame was one of the outer frames in Rod's hive.

While we were working, we were being watched! Check out who was watching:

It's the Three Musketeers!

And that is not all - there was someone else that was very curious about what was going on.

Echoo the dog just really surprises me. She will sit right next to the bee hives, and spends a lot of time laying in the sun next to them. She does not seem concerned at all by the bees, even when they fly close to her. But, if there happens to be a fly inside my house, she is so afraid, she acts like a dog possessed. She runs around in circles with her tongue hanging out and a crazed look in her eyes until I remove the fly. Figure that out!

1 comment:

Andre Lochin said...

My dog is not so lucky. The very day I hived my package, she was stung. Since then, the beehive is the only place in the yard she won't follow me to. She sits back at respectable distance and watches me.

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